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Depiction of the tree of life with the Nibiru symbol and the King surrounded by the Anunnaki. Contact us.

Your questions are very important, our passion is to talk about ancient history. We can provide information about the Solar System formation, the existence of the Anunnaki on Earth, and much more. All the information provided will be according to the findings in the Mesopotamian texts, archaeological and scientific findings. Nothing you will learn is fiction, it is history as recorded in ancient literature. Nothing you will learn is fiction, it is history as recorded in ancient literature. All the references and even the excerpts of the Mesopotamian texts or any other reference will be provided. Please fill out the form below to contact us with your questions. See also Goodreads.

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Atrahasis Text

The image above is one of my favorites as it includes all the elements related to Anunnaki’s contribution to the creation of humankind. In the center it shows the symbol of Nibiru, the planet from which they came, so it can additionally be a representation of a spaceship. Below is the symbol of the Tree of Life, it is the origin of life or DNA. Mesopotamian texts provide evidence that the Anunnaki had full knowledge to perform genetic engineering and the possibility of creating new life. The Atrahasis text provides a description of the event when the Anunnaki leaders met and why they made the decision to create the human race. The text titled Enki and Ninmah relates how they planned to carry out genetic experiments using a creature that already existed in the savannahs of Africa.

Our investigation of the archaeological records led us to identify H. naledi as the creature used in the experiments. In addition, a cylindrical seal showing an illustration that clearly indicates that the human race was created through genetic engineering was discovered. Our proposals are discussed in great detail and you will also find this important illustration in the book. Both archaeological and scientific references are provided for all proposals. You cannot miss these revelations and so that you can check how well documented the book is. You cannot know if it is true or not until you can verify it yourself, you just have to give it the benefit of the doubt. Any questions you can contact us at any time.

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