Ryanne Maxine Meyersohn


Depiction of the tree of life with the Nibiru symbol and the King surrounded by the Anunnaki. Contact us.

The Arrival

The Atrahasis text provides a detailed description of the events related to the arrival of the Anunnaki on Earth. The data analysis revealed they settled on Earth approximately 451,000 years ago. They were advanced beings in terms of their physique and technological knowledge. There is evidence of its presence in Mesopotamian texts, archaeological ruins (megalithic buildings), and anthropological remains. The story was supplemented with ancient books such as the Book of Enoch, Jasher, and others. Ancient history was decoded, and you will find it in this book. It is a detailed chronology of all events since the Anunnaki arrived in 442,960 BCE.

The Creation of Man

The Atrahasis text delves into the profound reasons behind Anunnaki’s decision to create humans. The experiments they conducted for this purpose were described. The text Enki and Ninmah, along with other Mesopotamian texts, provides details on how they planned and executed genetic experiments. The resulting consequences were described in detail in the text Enki and Ninmah. These texts provide compelling evidence that the Anunnaki possessed the knowledge and capability to perform genetic engineering. Even create new life.


The image above, a visual representation of the Anunnaki’s contribution to the creation of humankind. A testament to their extraordinary abilities. In addition, features the symbol of Nibiru, the planet from which they came. It is a symbol that could also be interpreted as a representation of a spaceship. Below is the symbol of the Tree of Life, the origin of life or DNA. A representation that further highlight their role in the creation of humans.

The Great Deluge

The Atrahasis text also provides a detailed description of the Great Deluge. It describes how Ziusudra (Noah) learned about the Great Deluge and built the boat. A vivid description of the catastrophe and its consequences was related. Archaeological and scientific evidence indicates that the Deluge happened. The determined chronology indicates that upon completing their mission, the Anunnaki gods left the Earth in 2195 BCE. All the references were included in the book to support all our research findings.

You cannot know if it is true or not until you can verify it yourself. You just have to give it the benefit of the doubt. Nothing you will learn is fiction; it is history as recorded in ancient literature. See also Readers’ Favorite.

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